Bree Hamilton

"Blue Love" Has Day in Court.

“Blue Love” Has Day in Court.

Kaitlyn Butler played by Helena Rose. Prosecution: Maria Piccoli-Zimmerman. Defense: Robert Herder. Correctional Officers: Bree Hamilton and Jordyn Taylor. © “Blue Love”.

Kaitlyn Butler played by Helena Rose. Prosecution: Maria Piccoli-Zimmerman. Defense: Robert Herder. Correctional Officers: Bree Hamilton and Jordyn Taylor. © “Blue Love”.

The wheels of justice often move very slowly. Sometimes it can take a year for an accused to have their day in court. The same can be said for the dramatic film “Blue Love” under the direction of Matthew Marshall and his m & s Marshall Production team.

“The location of the courtroom scenes have proven to be a test for the team. It has taken a while and a number of possible locations before the details could be worked out to find a location willing to host the team for filming” says Marshall. He, along with the support services of iFilmGroup has been scouting for an appropriate location for over six months, which has delayed the finishing of the filming of the movie.

Actor Helena Rose as Kaitlyn Butler in “Blue Love” ©

Actor Helena Rose as Kaitlyn Butler in “Blue Love” ©

Many locations were approached and a lot of negotiations went on. But the location proved to be a tough one to nail down. Especially with the strict rules of fully functioning courtrooms. Several options were explored but for various reasons, those locations did not work out.  Finally, one worked out and was approved.

The team moved forward with the location and the date was set for “Blue Love” to appear in court.  Lucky for Marshall and the “Blue Love” cast and crew the scenes were flashbacks and were all-new characters, except for the main role of Kaitlyn Butler played by Helena Rose. With a little hair magic and the help of the wig that has been used for much of the filming to keep Helena’s hair constant, you would not have known much time had passed. The gap in time meant a little rework of the way the scene was originally written and also allowed for some roles to be re-cast to some new faces that have been associated with Marshall and the iFilmGroup team. These included Bree Hamilton, Hazel Parsons and Taniya Sheikh.

Cast and Crew of “Blue Love”- courtroom scene. © m & s Marshall Productions.

Cast and Crew of “Blue Love”- courtroom scene. © m & s Marshall Productions.

The rest of the cast for the scene were some very familiar faces of m & s Marshall Productions and iFilmGroup. They included…

  • Judy Cormier played the Judge (previous films; “Daughter of the King”, and “Malicious Attack”).

  • Maria Piccoli-Zimmerman played the Prosecution (Previously; “Not Ready”).

  • Robert Herder played the defense lawyer (previously “Malicious Attack”).

  • Jordyn Taylor played a Correctional Officer (previous films; “Not Ready”, “Malicious Attack”).

The filming was of two scenes that deal with the lead Kaitlyn being in court due to the choices she has made in the story-line. “It is because of her choices and lack of trying to help herself that she ends up where she is,” says Helena Rose, who not only played the lead role but also crossed over to the crew side and co-produced with Marshall.  Marshall and Rose are also co-writers of the film as well.  “These scenes will hopefully help the audience feel for Kaitlyn’s situation. But some may feel she is right where she belongs based on her choices.” Marshall adds.

Judge: Judy Cormier, Court Recorder: Hazel Parsons and Court Police Officer: Taniya Sheikh all cast in movie “Blue Love”. Court scenes © “Blue Love”.

Judge: Judy Cormier, Court Recorder: Hazel Parsons and Court Police Officer: Taniya Sheikh all cast in movie “Blue Love”. Court scenes © “Blue Love”.

The film is a 1-hour dramatic film about Kaitlyn BUTLER enduring domestic violence and having her life spin out OF control. She struggles to overcome and comes to grips with mental and emotional issues from events that have happened to her.

The team has a couple remaining small scenes left, and then “Blue Love” officially moves into post-production.

Blue Love IMDB Page  -

London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada

Acting Coach on Set of Movie “Not Ready”

Acting Coach on Set of Movie “Not Ready”

We all know that when groups of people get together and function as a team, there are some people that stand out from the group. Like a captain on a sports team or a valuable player. It doesn’t lessen the spirit of the team when it happens. In fact it strengthens the team, and the other team players have a role model or a new drive to excel to the position, or beyond, of the person that stands out.

Director Matthew Marshall mentoring actor Bree Hamilton. [Photo by Louise McBride]

Director Matthew Marshall mentoring actor Bree Hamilton.
[Photo by Louise McBride]

Bree Hamilton is one of those actors. During the shooting of the film “Not Ready”, director Matthew Marshall kept speaking about Hamilton.

The Production Team is trained to watch for raw talent from any extras. There are signs from these “yet to be cast in bigger role” actors. At iFilmGroup we don’t think of extras having a “small, unimportant role”. Every role contributes to the finished product.

If you look hard enough, one can find the hidden gem or sparkle of a star yet to be born.

Matthew Marshall gives testament to this. When operating a few years ago through his m & s Marshall Productions, he encountered a young extra in a movie he was working on. He knew she had something that was special, and it was natural talent of expression and a mind-set to take on hard to play characters.

iFilmGroup’s Acting Coach and actor- Helena Rose coaching Bree Hamilton on the set of “Not Ready”.[Photo by Louise McBride]

iFilmGroup’s Acting Coach and actor- Helena Rose coaching Bree Hamilton on the set of “Not Ready”.[Photo by Louise McBride]

After being cast in many roles and some leads, this actor is also an acting coach and teaching young actors like Hamilton, how to take on the role. Helena Rose, plays a dog walker in the movie, “Not Ready”.

While on the set, Rose helped Hamilton. Hamilton was scheduled two different days of shooting to play a PSW in the movie. The director Matthew Marshall told the other Production Team Leaders, "We are watching a star in the making.”

Don Hickey, iFilmGroup’s Community Engagement Manager said, “It would be great to see these two actors excel in the industry and, we today, on this set have both of them together, working in the same movie.

Helena Rose applying make-up on actor Lee Highgate. [Photo by Louise McBride]

Helena Rose applying make-up on actor Lee Highgate.
[Photo by Louise McBride]

One will quickly learn if you are ever on a movie set of m & s Marshall Productions and along side, the support organization of iFilmGroup, that there is respect and honor towards the goals of others.

This summer had many high temperature and humid days. One can tell, just from the Production Team that they are all proud of the work of all actors and crew, along with all the family members and supporters of this film. Many times actors held more jobs than acting. Helena Rose was doing make-up on actors and keeping the canine actor in a happy state.

Both co-founders of iFilmGroup, Matthew Marshall and Don Hickey love it when people in their group anticipate the needs of others and attend to the job without being asked.

Hickey says, “Here we are producing movies that people care about and involve people (for some) whom otherwise would never have the opportunity to act or be on crew in a movie, and we do it as volunteers.

There are costs, and we try to cover expenses, but our purpose is not to make a profit. Our purpose is to make award winning movies that include all ages, especially youth and seniors working together.

Hickey likes to ask… “What did your kids do this summer?” I know iFilmGroup kids had good fun and took on new skills. Skills like…

  • Presentation

  • Timing

  • Speaking with movement for auditions

  • Building pose

  • Confidence.

  • Memorization of lines.

  • Control

  • Improved attitude

  • Working with a team.
    And best of all… learning to be humble and also forgiveness.

Think about it for a minute! Humble, because you might fluff a line and have to do it over again. Forgiveness, when your line is perfect, but the actor playing opposite you fluff their line and you have to retake the shot or somebody spoils the take with a cough or sneeze during a take.

“Quiet on the set” is another favourite of Hickey’s. Mouths closed and cell phones are off. Yes, parents, they can do it, it’s expected on a movie set. They also learn about patience…. they have to wait quietly between scenes.

Seniors that join us on productions really enjoy working with the youth. Seniors feel young again… how good is that?


London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada