Past Accredited Mentees
Accredited Mentoring Program
When students in high school or college/university have their school involved and the student does an internship or period of evaluation with iFilmGroup and the student is then evaluated and receives a mark and credit for their time under the mentorship of the iFilmGroup team.
Film director Matthew Marshall mentoring "extra" actor- Helena Rose on a set in an earlier film.
Meet Two Students That Have Earned Grades Through iFilmGroup
Check with your school to see if iFilmGroup can work with you!
Anna Victoria on set of "Blue Love"
Anna Victoria
Anna from Ecole Georges-P.- Vanier in Hamilton recently has gone through iFilmGroup’s “Accredited Mentoring Program”. Anna an actress, performed her hours for "mentor week" with iFilmGroup under the supervision of award-winning director and iFilmGroup co-founder Matthew Marshall. Anna has acted in a couple of Marshall’s films.
Yasmine Al Sayyid- Film Director
Yasmine Al Sayyid- Film Director
She draws inspiration from the things she has seen in her home country as well as things she has seen in world events. All of this she has gathered together and has been working on her films by learning skills through school and mentoring with award-winning director Matthew Marshall and the iFilmGroup. “I am so very thankful to Mr. Matthew Marshall, Mr. Don Hickey and the iFilmGroup for the wonderful opportunity to work with them in their Accredited Mentoring Program,” says Al Sayyid.