Spring Casting Call

iFilmGroup is looking for actors of any age, who are either just starting out in acting or those who have lots of experience to apply to be part of upcoming filming dates for the iFilmGroup Acting Training Program.
This is a non-paying casting call. Actors who participate do get IMDb credits.
Actor applications are being accepted at msmarshall@sympatico.ca

Applicants should include a headshot and acting resume (if you have one). Also must include the casting code “Springactingcastingcall25”

Submission Deadline is Fri Feb 28 th 2025.

Casting Call-February 8, 2025.






iFilmGroup is looking for actor(s)who are interested in exploring “The Day in the Life of an actor” through images and shoots/clips.

This “Day in the life of an actor” can be the routine of either a principal or background actor and going through the various things an actor does to prepare before heading to set.

Actors interested in applying to be part of this can be in-person or remote actors. The actors selected for this shoot will be part of images and clips showing how an actor prepares to go to the set.

Actors in the London, Ontario area will be part of in-person filming and recording.

Actors from outside of London Ontario who cannot reasonably drive or reach the London Area have the option of being part of the shots remotely through the actors themselves or with the help of connections with them taking the shots and clips and submitting them.

AGE RANGE 13 yrs to 65 yrs

SHOT IDEAS: (includes but is not limited to)

Looking online for casting calls

Waking up and getting out of bed to prepare for call times (possible very early call times)

Finish getting dressed

Looking at clothing options/outfits to take with you

Bathroom Prep: (Hair Combing hair, hair spray, applying gel, make-up application (powder), shaving)

Packing Set Bag

Pack makeup for touch-ups

Preparing some breakfast (cooking, protein Shake)

Getting shoes on / coat/jacket

Interested participants MUST be willing to follow instructions and details as provided.

Those interested and wishing to be part of this casting call must first submit a headshot/head & shoulder selfie shot with a plain background titled with your last name, followed by first name, and then a headshot dot jpeg. Those that do not submit some kind of Headshot selfie will not be selected.

If you have any previous experience or training include it in a list form or a resume. Having previous acting experience is not required, but is an asset.

Files sent should be labeled by your “Lastname.firstname.headshot.jpeg or “Lastname.firstname.resume.pdf

If you do not have a resume or have little or no experience. Please state that in your email message and list any experience you might have or if none why this experience would help you on your acting journey.

Send the above material to msmarshall@sympatico.ca

Once the headshot and any acting experience have been submitted. The actor will be given further instructions and details regarding the monologue and the requirements
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org

Casting Background Actors

FILMING DATE / TIME: Early December 2024 or January 2025
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Submit on or before Sat., Nov 16th by 11:59pm



The iFilmGroup is looking for an enthusiastic individual who are interested in being part of some short scenes and clips dealing with background acting.

Submitters for this Casting Call MUST be able to follow details as instructed and fulfill all the requirements requested as well as give a summary of why they should be selected to be part of the filming date.

Individuals should be from London, Ontario, and the nearby surrounding area. Anyone interested from further away comes at their own expense. If interested in coming from further away, the applicant must state that in their application submission that they are willing to come from further distances and they have researched the travel time and cost.

The Actors who are selected will be part of images and clips in various dramatic segments related to various topics about acting, and character.

Those selected will get IMDb credits for their involvement in related segments. Along with learning inside information about acting and access to footage / images related to the shoot.

COFFEE SHOP – (14yrs to 75yrs) – two individuals or more sitting at table(s) interacting and sharing conversation
BAR SCENE – (20 yrs to 60 yrs) – People at a bar eating or having a drink
RESTAURANT PATRONS – (15 yrs to 75 yrs) – eating food at the restaurant

Those wishing to submit MUST follow all the submission details fully and completely. Failure to do so will result in not being selected.

For submission for the casting call, please send an email with the casting code in the subject line and also a short summary of your name and your interest in applying to the casting call. Ensure you include what role you are applying to. Files that are submitted should include a headshot/head & shoulder selfie shot with a plain background titled with your last name, followed by first name, and then headshot dot jpeg.

Having previous acting experience is not required, but is an asset.

Files send should be labeled by your “Lastname.firstname.headshot.jpeg or “Lastname.firstname.resume.pdf

If you do not have a resume or have little or no experience. Please state that in your email message and list any experience you might have or if none why this experience would help you on your acting journey.

When submitting please include the casting audition code and role you are applying for.Failure to follow proper instructions may result in an actor not being selected.

Send the above material to msmarshall@sympatico.ca

Those selected will be notified and given further instructions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org



SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Submit on or before Sat Nov 23rd by 11:59pm

The iFilmGroup is looking for an enthusiastic individual with an acting passion to play some roles for shots related to the dramatic training segments.

Submitters for this Casting Call MUST be able to follow details as instructed and fulfill all the requirements requested as well as give a summary of why they should be selected to be part of the filming date.

The Actors who are selected will be part of images and clips in various dramatic segments related to various topics about acting, and character. Those selected will get IMDB credits for their involvement in related segments. Along with learning inside information about acting and access to footage / images related to the shoot.

MOVIE STAR - (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
MOVIE FAN - (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
CLOWN - 14 yrs to 75 yrs of age
REMOTE AUDITION ACTOR #1 – (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
Actor in front of camera doing auditions
REMOTE AUDITION ACTOR #2 – (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
Actor in front of camera doing inappropriate activities, gestures and things during on-screen time.
ACTOR WITH SCRIPT & MASK (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
DEVIL - (18 yrs to 75 yrs of age) - Bad / Evil
ANGEL - (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age) - Good
ANIMALS CHARACTERS (VARIOUS- Cow, Deer, Pig, Sheep) (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
– Actors playing the role of animals and how they behave or act.
BACKGROUND ACTORS - (14 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
Actors selected for these roles will be playing traditional background actor roles-
(eg: The Party Goer, Dead Body etc).
CAT BURGLAR - 14 yrs to 50 yrs of age
PREGNANT WOMAN – 18yrs to 45yrs of age
Individuals should be from London, Ontario, and the surrounding area. Anyone interested from further away comes at their own expense.

Those wishing to submit MUST follow all the submission details fully and completely. Failure to do so will result in not being selected.

For submission for the casting call, please send an email with the casting code in the subject line and also a short summary of your name and your interest in applying to the casting call. Ensure you include what role you are applying to. Files that are submitted should include a headshot/head & shoulder selfie shot with a plain background titled with your last name, followed by first name, and then headshot dot jpeg. Also, send any acting experience you may have in an acting resume or acting role list (if applicable). These files should be labeled by your “Lastname.firstname.headshot.jpeg or “Lastname.firstname.resume.pdf

If you do not have a resume or experience. Please state that in your email message and list any experience you might have or if none why this experience would help you on your acting journey

When submitting please include the casting audition code and role you are applying for.
Failure to follow proper instructions may result in an actor not being selected.
Send the above material to msmarshall@sympatico.ca
Those selected will be notified and given further instructions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org

Casting Call ‘New to Acting’


FILMING DATE / TIME: January 2025
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Submit before Sat Nov 30th by 11:59pm

The iFilmGroup is looking for an enthusiastic individual who are recently new or newer to acting with a passion to learn more about the art of acting, to be part of scene work, and still shots related to starting out in the acting industry.

This casting call is open to any age of a person who is new or recently started out into the acting industry. All age groups are welcome.

Submitters for this casting call MUST be able to follow details as instructed and fulfill all the requirements requested as well as give a summary of why they should be selected to be part of the filming date.

Individuals should be from London, Ontario, and the nearby surrounding area. Anyone interested from further away comes at their own expense. If interested in coming from further away, the applicant must state that in their application submission that they are willing to come from further distances and they have researched the travel time.

The Actors who are selected will be part of images and clips in various dramatic segments related to various topics about acting, and character.

Those selected will get IMDb credits for their involvement in related segments. Along with learning inside information about acting and access to footage / images related to the shoot.

New Actor/Actress - (10 yrs to 75 yrs of age)
Young actor/actress with braces - (12yrs to 20 yrs of age)

Those wishing to submit MUST follow all the submission details fully and completely. Failure to do so will result in not being selected.

For submission for the casting call, please send an email with the casting code in the subject line and also a short summary of your name and your interest in applying to the casting call. Ensure you include what role you are applying to. Files that are submitted should include a headshot/head & shoulder selfie shot with a plain background titled with your last name, followed by first name, and then headshot dot jpeg.

Previous experience and or an acting resume is not required, However, it is an asset. Files if sent should be labeled by your “Lastname.firstname.headshot.jpeg or “Lastname.firstname.resume.pdf

If you do not have a resume or have little or no experience. Please state that in your email message and list any experience you might have or if none why this experience would help you on your acting journey.

All applicants should include a short summary why they would like to be a apart of this casting call and how they feel it will help them on their acting journey.

When submitting please include the casting audition code and role you are applying for.
Failure to follow proper instructions may result in an actor not being selected.

Send the above material to msmarshall@sympatico.ca
Those selected will be notified and given further instructions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org

Spoiled Princess Productions

iFilmGroup; In Association with Filmmaker
PRODUCTION HOUSE: Spoiled Princess Productions

Non-Union / PAID
Early 2025
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 26th, 2024

High-class Socialite Regina has always been on top of her world. She has got what she wanted and has done what she has wanted in every moment of her life. She has the best cars, and people flock to hang out with her. She has her choice of the man she wants. Everything she touches is perfect in her life and everyone wants to be her. But she has hit a rough patch where things have not gone her way. Now she is dealing with some life situations brought on by her life choices that could bring her world crashing down.

REGINA – 18 yrs to 25 yrs old (LEAD) – Regina has always got what she wanted. If she doesn’t, she throws a fit till she gets what she wants. She is smart and pretty and knows how to manipulate people to get what she wants or needs. She has a temper and starts fights with her sister, boyfriend, and family over small things or if things don't go her way. She has been to counselling but it has not tempered her rage. She is seriously dating one of the hottest guys in the area named Sabastian. However, she is not faithful to him. But he does not know this. She has a mob of girls who want to be her friends even though she treats them like garbage.

She is emboldened and more and more she feels like she is untouchable. Her behaviour and actions have been getting worse and worse. She has been getting into drugs and drinking heavily. But events have happened that are about to change her whole world. She drove drunk and crashed her car. People were hurt. Her money and the power of her parents have kept her out of jail for now and kept the incident out of the news and media. But any slip-up could change all that. And even though she is trying to look like a model reformed member of society she is not willing to change her behaviours. She has been forced to wear an ankle monitor which she sees as humiliation and cramping her social style. However, she is finding a way to still go to parties or host parties when her parents are away on trips. She lets on that a minor offence which was a misunderstanding is the reason behind the monitor. She is on the verge of being expelled from her private school for not keeping her grades up and her abusive behaviour towards other students, but she has another even bigger growing problem to deal with. Something that could ruin her social status in the community. While at the hospital she found out that she is pregnant. Based on the time line it was the one-night stand she had with a guy at a party six weeks ago. Now she is trying to figure out how to tell her parents and the world about this while maintaining her social status and somehow landing on her feet out of this. She is weighing her options. But knows that her parents a very strong conservatives and believe strongly in pro-life. They would never support an abortion and if it gets out, that she had an abortion it will ruin her father and break his heart. Regina really has no one to turn to for support as she does not feel she can trust her family or her one true friend Blaine with this information. Regina for the first time in her life is feeling very lonely and isolated.

SOPHIA - 14 yrs to 20 yrs old – Sister to Regina. Is pretty in her own right. But has always lived in Big Sister's shadow. Sophia longs to be as popular as her sister. However, Regina has never invited her sister into her social ring. In fact, Regina has looked down on her sister. But this is all about to change because Sophia has material to blackmail her sister into allowing her into her social rings or she will bring her sister down. Sophia knows Regina’s dark secrets. She has the home pregnancy test Regina took because she didn’t believe the doctors. She is threatening to tell her parents about the pregnancy. Sophia has a copy of Regina mugshot that she is threatening to sell to online media sources. The only thing holding her back is the rage that her sister Regina will go into. Sophia is trying to plan her next move out to have maximum damage on her sister without suffering damage to herself at the hands of her sister.

SABASTIAN – 20 yrs to 28 yrs Regina's boyfriend, who on top of his great looks, is loyal and a down-to-earth decent man who is making a career for himself as a businessman. He is a few years older than Regina and that seems to be where his slightly more mature behaviour comes from. He truly loves Regina and is planning on proposing soon. Regina’s parents really like Sabastian and think he is perfect for Regina. However, Regina and his relationship has had a lot of ups and downs with her mood swings and Temper tantrums. Sabastian and Regina have had a lot of fights. Mostly from her aggressive in people's face nature. He is unaware of her infidelity or the fact that she is pregnant. He does know of her legal trouble. But feels she is changing her ways and making up for her mistake.

VICTORIA – 34 years to 41 years old. Mother of Regina. Has tried to give her daughter everything she did not have. But is starting to see that her daughter is a bit out of control. Knows she was a bit of a wild child and grew out of it. Feels that Regina will be the same. She and her husband Ronald Charles married when she was 16 to 18. Due to her being pregnant with Regina. Ronald who was 21 at the time was well off when they started so that was never an issue. She knows that there are some secrets about Regina, but is unaware of the severity of some of them. Also is unaware at this point that her daughter is pregnant. But as a woman who was a mom at a young age, the signs are starting to show and she is trying to figure out how to have a conversation with her Regina without her husband knowing.

RONALD CHARLES - 37 years to 46 years old– Father of Regina. Has come from money. Is a high-powered businessman and has a cutthroat approach to things. However, he has a high status in society and everyone loves him and wants to be around him. He is ruthless and has a temper, but has always had a soft spot for Regina. He is a by-the-rules kind of guy and believes in the structure of the family. He is a very conservative man and has strong opinions on abortion. He is being courted by political people to make an election run in government. He has always dismissed Regina's wild side and denied she was doing anything wrong. This drunk driving incident has upset him and he has taken away several Regina privileges. But he made sure nothing bad happened to her. He believes he can deal with her privately and that keeping out of jail is best for her. He also feels that the ankle monitor will be the best way to rain her in. Little does he know what his little princess has got herself into.

BLAINE – 18 yrs to 25 yrs old - Blaine is Regina’s lifelong best friend. But she is struggling to hang out with Rehina anymore because she can’t stand who she has become. She has seen Regina’s behaviour and is troubled by it. But confronting Regina never ends well for anyone. She knows of the drunk driving and what happened legally. As much as she is Regina’s best friend and cares for her. She wishes that Regina had gone to Jail for a while. Blaine is not aware of Regina’s pregnancy.

Other smaller roles of friends, boyfriends and other community individuals will be cast also. As well as extras.


Spoiled Princess Production has a strict submission policy that all actors must submit by, Details of submission are important and must be followed completely.

Actors must submit a high-quality headshot or high-quality selfie of the actor’s head and shoulders with a plain, non-distracting background. No far-away shots or shots with other people in it. No pictures of other people cropped out of it.

The Actor must submit an acting experience/acting resume in a well-structured format. If no experience explains why, you should be considered.

These files should be properly labeled:

"yourLastname.firstname" headshot.jpeg & “yourLastname.firstname" resume.pdf

The proper casting code from this audition must be included in the submission email. The character or characters you are looking to apply for and be considered.

A short message outlining your interest in being selected for auditions for this project.

Send all the information to the email of our casting support: msmarshall@sympatico.ca

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org


iFilmGroup Horror Casting Call image

Non-Union / Non-Paid
(Closing Date: October 15, 2024)


iFilmGroup is looking for Actors 14 years and up interested in a frighteningly good time creating some ghoulish and scary clips for the Horror Genre Dramatic Segment being created.

  • If you are an actor in the London/St. Thomas area or willing to travel to the area

  • If you are 14 years of age or up

  • If you are interested in being part of dramatic footage, clips, and scenes related to horror movies.

Filming dates are in the works at various locations in the London area.
Various scenes and scenarios

Victims (injured or dead)
Ghost/ Spirit Haunting
Person possessed
Murder Mystery character(s)
The Murderer
Girl on Phone
White entity character
Scary Clown
The Horror Movie watcher
A person who is excited to watch a horror film
Film student studying horror films
Person being scared
Character being chased
Character making the choice to go into a location they shouldn’t
Character in the woods
The Pawn
The Stocker/Hunter
Skull person/Skull face person
A person creeping upstairs
Please submit a headshot/head & shoulder selfie shot with a plain background, along with any acting experience you have (acting resume or acting role list) to msmarshall@sympatico.ca
When submitting please include the casting code, the character or characters you are interested in, and a short message expressing your interest in being involved.

Visit https://www.ifilmgroup.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/groups/ifilmgroup
to Learn more about iFilmGroup
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org



FILMING DATE/TIME: Summer/Fall 2024
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Submit on or before SATURDAY June 29th
FILMING LOCATION: London / St Thomas / Port Stanley, Ontario


iFilmGroup Casting is looking for individuals who are interested in participating and being involved with showing and demonstrating one or more of the 7 key movement techniques every actor should know. This is part of the iFilmGroup training material that iFilmGroup is creating. The iFilmGroup team is interested in individuals who are excited and passionate to help demonstrate the various techniques. Experience and knowledge of some or all of these movements is an asset but beginners willing to learn and be models for the various techniques are also welcome. Applicants must be from the area and are responsible for travel costs.

This is an all-inclusive open casting call open to all ethnic backgrounds and for 13-year-olds and up. It is open to various artistic movement expression styles. Candidates who apply can be:

- Dancers (specifically: ballet, hip hop, interruptive, modern dance),
- musical theatre (Theatre dance experience or training)
- mime
- movement artistry
- models.

6 to 10 positions available. Additional spots may be available depending on interest.

The 7 Movement techniques are as follows:
Alexander Technique
Jacques Lecoq Movement Technique
Corporeal Mime
The Suzuki Method of Acting
The Williamson Technique
Laban Movement Analysis

Filming is expected to take place on various days over the summer of 2024 and possibly into the fall of 2024. Subject to locations and schedules.

Successful candidates who are selected will be notified of the location and schedule to be mutually worked out amongst organizations and participants.

Individuals interested in being part of the casting selection process need to submit an email, which should include the Audition code “Movement2024” in the subject line. Also, Include a headshot/head & shoulder selfie/photo. Any acting, dance, movement, or modelling experience in a resume or list.

You Can Submit: A short clip for movement style showing experience. (can be a file or on YouTube or another platform in a visual format as well as an introduction yourself and why you feel you should be selected in a short paragraph.

Some candidates may be cast and selected before the closing date. Recommended to submit early if interested.

For those accepted and chosen information will be given on a date and location.

Send applications msmarshall@sympatico.ca

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org

Student Casting Call

CASTING CALL – High School & College/University Students

DATE/TIME: Spring 2024 ( May / June)
LOCATION: London / St Thomas, Ontario

NON-UNION / PAID - $20 per hour
AUDITION CODE: Students2024

iFilmGroup is looking for a group of diverse individuals in either high School or College/University to play student roles for stills and footage as part of images for their acting training program.

Shots and Footage would be related to being a student, as well as related to students acting and auditions. Individuals selected will be part of some still shots and short clips related to these topics. This is an all-inclusive shoot.

We are looking for actors in London / St Thomas area as first selection.

Age Range of 13 yrs. to 25 yrs. of age.

High School Student
College / University Student
Students who wear a School uniform
Muslim Student
Student Actors
Students auditioning for casting
Acting or modelling, experience is an asset but not required.
Please read the requirements carefully. Failure to follow all instructions could lead to not being selected.

For submissions, all individuals must submit a headshot / head shoulder selfie. Also, all participants must submit one or two still shots of “Being a student” or “Student Actor”. Creativity is encouraged. Must be decent and appropriate. Ask for further clarification if needed.

If applicants have previous acting experience, please submit your acting resume. Not required but is an asset.

Successful individual cast will also get an IMDb credit and access to footage shot for demo purposes.

Applications are accepted till Monday, April 15th 2024

For those applying please list what roles are being applied for.

The audition code MUST be included in the e-mail submission. Failure to follow all instructions may lead to not being selected.

Interested parties can submit material to msmarshall@sympatico.ca
Those selected will have further information forwarded to them.

Check out https://www.ifilmgroup.org/ for more casting calls.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org


iFilmGroup Casting Call image icon

iFilmGroup is accepting applicants for an open virtual casting call to explore new or returning talent in St. Thomas/London area that is interested in being involved with the iFilmGroup.

iFilmGroup strives to create a safe place and environment where people of all ages and cultural backgrounds can learn about acting and making films. We wish to give an opportunity through acting for individuals to grow, learn, and mature in talent, but also positive values while experiencing filmmaking in a safe and challenging environment. This casting call is open to any performer from any level of acting experience who is 14 yrs. to 70 yrs. old, that eager to showcase their acting ability and interested in trying out for acting positions as part of iFilmGroup.

Opportunities include but are not limited to films, dramatic acting, workshops, and training in various aspects of the acting and movie-making industry. Being part of this group will open you up to first priority in casting calls through iFilmGroup for the upcoming slate of projects and endeavors. All those applying must be serious and committed.

Please send an email with the following:

- Please place the title “Open casting call 2024” in the subject line

- Include at least one paragraph introducing yourself and that you are interested in being a part of this opportunity.

- A Headshot or head-to-shoulder picture of yourself is required with submission. (can be a selfie)

- A list of any acting experience in an Acting resume /CV. This is preferred but not necessary. If no or little experience please state that in the message.

- Any training in acting that you have

- Any special skills you have. (e.g.: Dialects, Dancing)

Send to msmarshall@sympatico.ca

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org