The intern student will be required to wear their personalized ID badge at all events for iFilmGroup at all times. This includes filming, training sessions, workshops, business meetings or work-related activities. Regardless if they are in person or via Zoom.
As the student Intern progresses through the stages the ID badge title and level will change. This level change will be facilitated by the supervisor or the administration of iFilmGroup. In no way is the ID badge system meant to center any student out.
Every Actor and Crew Member Must be Cleared.
iFilmGroup uses its badges to promote safety and security by communicating an iFilmGroup member's level and position. At any point, the ID badge and the privileges can be revoked or downgraded for inappropriate behaviour or actions that go against the values and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of iFilmGroup. This level change is decided by the administrative team of iFilmGroup.
iFilmGroup ID badges specifically for the Accredited Mentorship Program and for its Intern students are used for the safety of its students and members. The iFilmGroup believes anyone associated with an iFilmGroup event needs to be clearly identified and present clear communication to the public and those at an event about why they are there and what part of iFilmGroup they are connected.
Every iFilmGroup badge will have the person's name and what position or role they have. This step when dealing with the intern is to protect the student and properly identify the Intern as a student to the environment and people around them. This step ensures those who are part of any particular activity do not put pressure or expectations on the student for information they may not know.
Through this, all questions, concerns and inquiries must come to an iFilmGroup core member to be handled. Relieving that burden from the student Intern. As the student progresses to being a full iFilmGroup member through their internship, their ability to answer questions becomes more capable. With the Intern five stage process, this allows the student to progress into sharing the iFilmGroup core value as they become ready to take on the role of talking more about iFilmGroup and what the group offers.
iFilmGroup uses ID badges for both interns and core group members for security by communicating publicly who can enter or be at a particular location or activity. This ensures that only iFilmGroup members with ID have access to sensitive information such as audition resumes and applications. The ID system also gives those with ID access to areas that the general public may not have access to. The iFilmGroup IDs are not only used for security but also used for branding of persons working with iFilmGroup. This makes it clear who the iFilmGroup team members are and what position they hold. iFilmGroup uses its ID badges for customer relations as well, so that those at an iFilmGroup workshop, event or on-set of a film know who to talk to, to get the information they need.
On an iFilmGroup Movie Set Processing Actors
An ID is a quick way for an individual to be able to verify that the person they're talking to has the power to help them with whatever it is they need. This allows the individual to quickly and easily build lasting relationships with the iFilmGroup personnel they are talking to. IDs will also entice individuals/clients into trusting a new or different iFilmGroup member much faster. This is because the iFilmGroup ID will provide the individual with an aspect of familiarity and instill knowledge of who they are talking to and interacting with.
The iFilmGroup team believes in professionalism and the use of ID badges adds to the iFilmGroup uniform and attire. By giving its core members IDs with their names, positions, and the iFilmGroup logo on them, iFilmGroup believes it is adding an extra level of professionalism to the group and living the high standard of professionalism that they set out as their core values. Along with the security factor, it helps to ensure that everyone involved with the iFilmGroup has a safe environment to perform and create in.
The iFilmGroup team feels this in turn makes the organization more enticing to prospective individuals in the film industry. It could even act as a swaying factor in individuals to return and continue to work with iFilmGroup. -IM-badges-08-14-22-007