Greg Balch (on left), with London Mayor Ed Holder.
Greg Balch
iFilmGroup's Wildlife Consultant awarded the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor-General of Canada.
The presentation ceremony took place at London City Hall, September 18, 2019, where His Worship Ed Holder, the Mayor of London presented the Medal.
Over 170,000 people from Ontario and Nova Scotia have seen his hands-on program.
Teaching children in Ontario schools about the Food Chain and the Web of Life.
Meritorious Award, Ontario Public School Teacher's Federation London District, 1997 "For outstanding service to education by a non-teacher".
Inaugural Recipient, Canadian Outdoor Heritage Alliance, Outdoor Heritage Award, Education, 2006 "For educational initiatives that benefit all Canadians.
Larry Wallace Youth Education Award, Volunteer, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, 1998 "Recognizing outstanding contributions by a volunteer in the education of youth about conservation and the wise use of Ontario's natural resources."
G.R. (Gord) Edwards Memorial Trophy, Wellington Street Sportsmen's Club, 1998 'Sportsman of the Year".
Inaugural Recipient, National Wild Turkey Federation Canada, Ontario Provincial Chapter, Youth Outreach Award, 2006 Jules Peron Award, Fur Harvesters Auction, 2006 "