Hazel Parsons [© Photos by Phyllis]
Hazel Parsons says…
“Once again, I would like to thank iFilmGroup especially for the wonderful experience they have allowed me to share. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I have not done any film until Matt gave me a chance with “Not Ready”. I was inexperienced in film work, and although some skills can be transferred over, certainly many aspects are different. I have been told that stage work is all about grand gestures and voice projection, film is more subtle, using the eyes, facial expression and smaller movements more. I think, from my small amount of experience in this production, that was certainly a correct statement.
Matt and Don seem to be able to zone in on strengths or weaknesses a performer may have, and help to grow on that. This is great for any age of actor: ie; the older ones concerned about the prejudices of ageism as portrayed in cinema, as well as younger actors not yet solidly aware of how to exude their confidence in such a field of work.
It has been a real honour and pleasure to have worked with you over the past few months. Your professionalism really shines, especially when dealing with so many people of varying ages, and the thoroughness with which you undertake so many aspects of the film.
This whole experience has reminded me of some reading I did many years ago, and a particular passage that I often refer to. It is by Dr. Ralph Greenson (1974), and he speaks of how “it takes courage, honesty and modesty to grow old with joy and dignity”, and “to be able to have a sense of fun gives one a quality of youthfulness, no matter what age”. He further refers to how important it is to nurture a certain playfulness, and that man is the only animal who continues to enjoy that sense of play in adult life. Doing so will help to minimize or at least survive crises of adult life. What great therapy that is!”
“iFilmGroup has given me an opportunity to do just that. I look forward to working with them again in the future as the occasion presents itself.”
Photos by Phyllis
iFilmGroup - Hazel Parsons - Testimonial - 09-07-19