Marshall talks film at Stanton Academy
Matthew Marshall; guest presenter at the Stanton Academy, London, Ontario.
Award-winning film director and iFilmGroup co-founder Matthew Marshall was the guest presenter at the Stanton Academy in London, Ontario. He spoke to a group of students from the Academy about film making and the iFilmGroup. The students are working on small film projects either on their own or in small groups. Many are focusing on stop motion animation while others are working on scripts, short films, and trailers for film ideas they have.
Stanton Academy is a responsive learning environment committed to the emotional, social, and intellectual needs of children in our community. They offer unique opportunities for home-schoolers, for bright and gifted children, and everyone looking for an authentic and personalized learning experience.
The two classes involved have been learning and studying about film and film making. The group has been viewing samples of movies and brainstorming about what they want to create. They are working on simple storyboards and scripts with the end goal of making a short film or trailer for their movies.
Marshall spoke to the group in two one hour sessions. He talked about his career in film making and what goes into making a short film. He also discussed iFilmGroup and the inter-generational film making the group does. In the end, the group talked about their ideas and concepts about what they are interested in doing for their projects. Marshall offered suggestions and advice to help them along with their various film projects. The groups finished films will be done in a few weeks. Marshall is interested to follow up with the various teams and Stanton Academy and look at ways he and the iFilmGroup can further help promote these young inspiring youth.
“The day offered me an opportunity to talk about film and mentor youth that are interested in film,” says Marshall. Mentoring is at the heart of the iFilmGroup mandate and Marshall feels it is important to mentor others after the many people that have mentored him. “I have had a lot of great people in my life that have taken me under their wing and mentored me to where I am now. I feel I need to “pay it forward” and mentor others in the same manner as what I received”, Marshall adds.
For more information on Stanton Academy and what they are doing, you can check out their website
Check back into iFilmGroup on their website or Facebook page for more updates on this and other projects or events that are in the works.
iFilmGroup Press Release - Stanton Academy-02-26-19