Yannis Kapa (Musician) with iFilmGroup
Yannis Kapa says…
I met Don Hickey at Western University in London. People don’t forget Don. He’s full of vision and purpose. He would bring to mind what Alex Pattakos, Ph.D., writes about Viktor Frankl and Frankl’s Logotherapy.
He draws a person into their thoughts and visions like a parched traveller finding a deep well at an oasis. A person will drink from their cool aspirations as they listen to Don talk. He excites and engages their ideas of where they may go and he uses his knowledge and networking base as a springboard for their growth. He creates legacies.
Don is a very kind and talented person. Any questions that I might have about the movie industry he gives it to me gladly and generously. I know that my collaboration with Don will blossom into a big success! His innovative mindset has already caused a huge effect on the London City Culture.
Yannis Kapa (Musician)
iFG-TM-YK-02-03-19He reminds me of VicH