Morgan Flanagan
Morgan Flanagan says...
To many, the concept of “filming” is a job for movie stars, but people like Mathew Marshall and Corrinne Wood develop the actors and actresses of tomorrow. Their casts are always welcoming, and it is so wonderful to be immersed in a situation where each cast and crew member is on a first-name basis with one another. Everyone is willing to help everyone, and I have been so blessed to be a part of such a unique opportunity. My first work was as a high school student in their film “Tuned In”, and by the first slate, I was beyond intrigued. For me, starting out in such a relaxed and friendly environment was ideal.
Since then, I have had the pleasure of being a part of three more productions. Including being a secondary character of ‘Hope’ in their dance dramatic film “Struggles Within”. I was then the role of secondary lead “Macey Madison” in their short film about bullying “Malicious Attack”. The final role I played the primary character of Megan Matthew’s in their feature film ‘Summer of Discovery’. This character was a wonderful experience to play; a teenager who is transformed from seeing outer beauty as more important, to seeing inner beauty as much more important and allows herself to be a more natural version of herself.
Being on set has not only given me the opportunity to develop numerous friendships, but also gain valuable life experience and film credits. To me, filming isn’t a job, rather, a chance to learn more about perspectives. (Then again I’m not a movie star). An example of these perspectives would be how each character approaches a situation differently, much like people in real life, and when you add in all the different camera angles you end up with one situation, and one hundred and one different points of view. With this in mind, I have been able to further understand how people differentiate between one another and to build confidence around what makes me an individual.
As an ensemble, all the cast and crew have made each set a safe place to be and kept everyone’s best interest in mind. Above all else, I am delighted to be on a set where everyone is always learning, and displaying a great deal of kindness. All the positive attitudes have allowed for everything to be fun and unintimidating. Overall, working with Corrinne Wood and Mathew Marshall, along with the Production Team, has been a truly terrific way to enter the realm of “filming”.
Morgan Flanagan