Cast and crew of “The Exciting Exploits of an Effervescent Elf “ at the Elgin Theatre Guild
Busy movie director and producer Matthew Marshall of m & s Marshall Productions and co-founder of iFilmGroup was once again invited to visit the Elgin Theatre Guild in St. Thomas, Ontario. Marshall broke from his busy schedule of shooting preparations of a movie being shot locally in St. Thomas and London this summer. This movie called “Not Ready”, co-produced and directed by Marshall will feature some stage actors (youth and adults) from the Elgin Theatre Guild (ETG).
Marshall said, “ I have a strong connection with ETG that goes back many years. I’ve seen actors of all ages working with ETG grow into superb actors. When connecting with these young actors and their parents I open up an invitation to develop their skills by getting involved on a movie set and working with film.”
M & S Marshall Productions had the pleasure to cast from the actors of ETG for his films. Just recently, actors from ETG had an Audition Day at their location in St. Thomas held by iFilmGroup. Lesley Chapman, President at Elgin Theatre Guild (Community Theatre) said, “It’s a great event when we have professionals like Matthew coming by to visit our actors. The boost of energy and excitement is seen in the actors. Matthew is keen on sharing, teaching and definitely re-enforcing skills and attitude of our actors and volunteers”.
Matthew Marshall with cast and crew of “The Exciting Exploits of an Effervescent Elf “ -Elgin Theatre Guild, St. Thomas, ON
Matthew Marshall said, “ I had a great afternoon with the cast and crew of “The Exciting Exploits of an Effervescent Elf “ at the Elgin Theatre Guild. Also a special time being the VIP Guest and chatting with the “ETG Kids” giving acting and line learning tips for their upcoming production.
“The Exciting Exploits of an Effervescent Elf “
Production runs June 27th -June 29th
Visit the ETG website for tickets at http://www.elgintheatreguild.ca/tickets.html
iFilmGroup.org - PR - ETG - Invitation - 06-19