The city of London is used as one of the many locations in Ontario for filming a feature film involving many local talent.
Crew of “Not Ready” on Day One - London, Ontario.
[© Photo by Don Hickey]
Filming of the dramatic film written by Donald Michael Hickey and produced by iFilmGroup in association with m & s Marshall Productions began in London, Ontario late June 2019. iFilmGroup held auditions in May 2019 in St. Thomas at the Elgin Theatre Guild.
iFilmGroup actor Lee Highgate resting before his scene.
[© Photo by Don Hickey]
Director Matthew Marshall of m & s Marshall Productions will keep a tight schedule each day of shooting. Filming is scheduled to be completed in September 2019.
Over 60 actors and crew are involved with this production.
Day One Cast & Crew of Movie “Not Ready” shot in Southwestern, Ontario.
[© Photo by Don Hickey]
There are many youth acting and are part of the crew in this production. Many family members arrive on set to watch their children in the production. Youth actors from Sarnia, St. Thomas and other surrounding areas in southwestern Ontario are cast in this movie. The two principal leads are Toronto actors Diane Newling and David Parisian. - Press Release - Day One - Filming “Not Ready” - 06-28-19